

The mission of the Office for Religious is to assist the archbishop in his ministry to religious and other consecrated persons who live and serve in the Archdiocese of Chicago.

The office provides pastoral services to them as well, being a vehicle for communication and administrative support. We work to connect the diversity of charisms of consecrated life with the needs of the archdiocese. The office also actively promotes a culture of vocations in the archdiocese through the coordinator of religious vocation ministries and the activities of the Chicago Archdiocesan Vocation Association (CAVA).

Click here for more information.



Chicago Archdiocesan Vocation Association (CAVA)

Faithful to Christ’s call to discipleship, CAVA encourages others to respond to this invitation:

  • by the witness of our own lives;
  • by providing opportunities for young people and discerners to learn about various vocation choices including ordained, vowed/consecrated, married, or single life;
  • by assisting seekers/discerners, including older adults, as they explore how God is calling them in their lives.

If you are exploring ways to respond to God’s call in your life, CAVA is here to accompany you on your journey. We are here to listen to your story. Contact us at [email protected].

Interested in helping with vocation ministry? Get involved with CAVA! You can join us as a member. There are many ways you can partner with us, collaborate, or provide support. 

Find out more: vocationscava.org/about-us/


Any comments, questions or if you wish to be involved in nurturing a vocation culture in the Archdiocese of Chicago, you may contact 312.534.5240  [email protected]  or visit vocationscava.org.